Characteristics of gravity roller conveyor

Characteristics of gravity roller conveyor

The gravity roller conveyor can transport a single piece of material with a large weight or withstand a large impact load.
The structure of the roller conveyor is diverse. According to the driving mode, the roller conveyor can be divided into a power roller line and an unpowered roller line. According to the layout, it can be divided into a horizontal conveyor roller line, an inclined conveyor roller line and a turning conveyor roller line. It can also be designed according to customer requirements to meet the various requirements of various customers.
It is easy to connect and transition between roller lines. Multiple roller lines and other conveying equipment or special machines can be used to form a complex logistics conveying system to fulfill various technological needs.
The accumulation roller can be used to realize the accumulation and transportation of materials.
The structure is simple, the reliability is high, and the use and maintenance are convenient.

If you are interested in gravity roller conveyor,You can browse related products and initiate consultations on our website.